Getting Setup

SimpleCoinMulti uses PostgreSQL as its primary database, although SCM is configurable and allows using pretty much any database supported via SQLAlchemy. Setup is tested running on Ubuntu 12.04. If you’re doing development you’ll also want to install Supervisor for convenience.


To install thse packages on Ubuntu 12.04:

apt-get install redis-server postgresql-contrib-9.3 postgresql-9.3 postgresql-server-dev-9.3
# to install supervisor as well
apt-get install supervisor

Now you’ll want to setup a Python virtual enviroment to run the application in. This isn’t stricly necessary, but not using virtualenv can cause all kinds of headache, so it’s highly recommended. You’ll want to setup virtualenvwrapper to make this easier.

# make a new virtual environment for simplecoin multi
mkvirtualenv scm
# clone the source code repo
git clone
cd simplecoin_multi
pip install -e .
# install all python dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt

SimpleCoin uses environmental variables to know where to look for its configuration files, so we need to set those before we attempt to start the server or run any management commands.

# If we'll just be using the dev server in the same directory, this is fine
export SIMPLECOIN_CONFIG=example.toml
# For production, best to use full paths
export SIMPLECOIN_CONFIG=/home/limpit/simplecoin/example.toml

# You can also define multiple configs that will be applied in numberical order
export SIMPLECOIN_CONFIG_1=/home/limpit/simplecoin/base.toml
export SIMPLECOIN_CONFIG_2=/home/limpit/simplecoin/specific.toml
# This is useful for staging servers, etc

Initialize an empty database & add tables

# creates a new user with password 'testing', creates the database
# creates the database schema for simpledoge
python init_db

Now everything should be ready for running the server. This project uses supervisor in development to watch for file changes and reload the server.

supervisord -c supervisor.conf

This should successfully start both the development server and the task scheduler if all is well. If not, carefully reading the output from supervisor should give good hints on what’s not working right.


If you want to start sending shares and solved blocks to Redis for this dev instance to process, head over to powerpool and read it’s setup instructions. You’ll likely want to run a local testnet in a box, or on the live testnet. We recommend the litecoin testnet for testing.

Payouts & Manual Exchanging

The RPC client works with SimpleCoin Multi’s RPC views. This can be run on a secure server to pull payout and trade data. This client is what actually makes the payouts, and the simplecoin_rpc_client allows manually managing exchanging.


Unfortunately docs for how to use this (especially in a production setting) are very lacking at the moment.


We currently offer no code to perform automatic exchanging, although you could expand the RPC client to do it, or write your own app to handle it. A first class autoexchanging service may be offered by us at some point in the future.